It’s a special experience for a professor to see which lessons have stuck with students over 许多年 of teaching.

大卫. 雷曼退休书在心理学副教授之后 大卫. Reuman finished teaching his last class at Trinity in the spring 2021 semester, his daughter Lillian Reuman surprised him with a book called 鲁曼教授的持久课程. The compilation of reflections and notes included 40 written contributions from David’s former students, 的同事们, 家庭成员, 还有他以前招待过的学生. David Reuman will officially retire from Trinity in June 2022.

“这是一件美妙的事情,”大卫说. “有一部分我完全感到惊讶, but there was another part of me that knew this was a tribute to how great of a person Lillian is.”

Lillian wanted to celebrate her father’s coming retirement while still keeping safety in mind during the pandemic. “COVID, I realized that traditional retirement celebrations—parties, 讲座, 还有其他事情——可能会很困难. 仍然, I wanted to create something for him that he could keep, and that would give an opportunity for a lot of people to participate. 所以我想, given that he is a professor and spends his life teaching lessons, that it would be nice to hear from people that he’s crossed paths with to see what lessons stuck with them,”她说。. “I gave the book to him, and he looked through it with a big smile. 他似乎对这么多人捐款感到惊讶, specifically people who he didn’t have contact with in a while.”

大卫. 鲁曼和莉莲·鲁曼
大卫. 鲁曼和莉莲·鲁曼.

心理学副教授 劳拉·霍尔特 contributed to the book as David’s former student and colleague and also helped Lillian connect with his former students. “大卫是博彩平台网址大全最支持我的人之一, 他给了我继续在这个领域工作的信心,霍尔特说。, 谁在2016年获得了博彩平台网址大全的终身教职. “He helped me believe that I could learn what I needed to be successful in the field of psychology. I felt comfortable going to graduate school knowing that I had a solid foundation.”

Holt also emphasized how helpful David was as she completed her senior thesis as an undergraduate. “I remember thinking to myself, ‘He wasn’t even my advisor, and yet, he spent hours helping me.“他给我留下了不可磨灭的印记, to think how fortunate I was to have an instructor like him,”她说。.

David began his teaching career at Trinity in 1987 and focused his research on effects of the social organization of schools on achievement motivation, 学业成绩, 以及同伴关系. 在博彩平台网址大全的时候, he served as director of the First-Year Program and as chair of the Assessment Advisory Board and the Institutional Review Board for research involving human participants. 他还在许多委员会任职, 包括那些专注于课程和保留的人, and he was the advisor for approximately 100 senior thesis projects.

大卫. Reuman
心理学副教授大卫. Reuman with 心理学副教授 蒂娜Anselmi and Olivia Curreri ’19.

19岁的奥利维亚·库里说, “I wrote my senior thesis as a part of the metacognition lab within the Psychology Department, and Professor Reuman and [心理学副教授] 蒂娜Anselmi 是我的指导老师. Professor Anselmi was on sabbatical, so I worked closely with Professor Reuman while she was away. He was always a lovely person and professor to work with; throughout my thesis, 他在那里作为导师——学术上和个人上.”

霍尔特说, 作为他的同事, I appreciate the hard work he has done behind the scenes to ensure our students have an excellent experience in the major. 我也看到他以各种方式支持我的同事. He is selfless, intelligent, and he sees the value in helping others grow.”

Similar sentiments were shared in the book Lillian put together. 她开始接触以前的学生, 建议, and 的同事们 in January with the help of Holt and other members of the Psychology Department. 大卫一点也不惊讶.

“莉莉安喜欢旅行, 每次旅行之后, 她总是整理一本画册, 记忆, 还有她旅行中的故事,大卫说. “This is just another example of those skills she has for putting together messages; in this case, 从和我一起度过时光的人那里.”

Giving this gift to her father was a gratifying experience for Lillian. “I wanted it to be as positive of an experience as possible, given that his past year of teaching during the pandemic has not been how anyone anticipated it,”她说。. “I know he values meeting with students and getting to know them, 所以这是一个非常出乎意料的结局, 有意义的职业.”

Curreri said that she is excited for her former professor to begin this new chapter in his life. “他在博彩平台网址大全留下了伟大的遗产,”她说. “He is such a hard worker, and he cares about his students so much. 看到他走,我真的很难过, knowing that he will no longer be able to guide students in the years to come, after making such a strong impact on so many students’ lives, 也包括我的.”

大卫. ReumanAfter he retires, David is unsure of how he wants to spend his free time. “我和妻子想去旅行. What I do is probably not going to be academic in the way a lot of my life was organized. One of the ideas I toyed with is working with Habitat for Humanity,他说. “I wouldn’t mind doing some volunteering with an organization like that where the benefit is not earning income but helping people have quality housing. 我不知道我到底要做什么, but it’s going to be a little out of the box—challenging, 有趣的, 和有价值的.”

There’s only one other retirement gift David thinks would be appropriate: “I would like a tree to be planted on campus because I was known for giving out a lot of printed hand-outs in classes, and some people said that I should not waste so much paper,他说. “So, 在某些方面, planting a tree is my way of trying to atone for all of the paper I’ve handed out in many, 多类多类, 许多年.”